Success Stories
Since Maryland Healthy Weighs was founded, there have been over 1000 people who have participated in one of our in-clinic programs, and many more who have utilized our tools and coaching to lose weight on their own with one of our At Home options. Every one of those individuals comes with a story of why they wanted to lose their weight or get healthier. Some wanted to get fit for their wedding or to be able to take care of a new-born child. Others had knee pains, were on medications, or started the program in wheelchairs and on oxygen tanks. Most just want some extra energy, or to be able to go up and down the stairs without running out of breath. Read a few of their stories here. The program helped these individuals reach their goals, and you can be confident that we will help you, too!
Before and After Photo Collection 06/24/2020 - Read More
Bill’s Story 06/23/2020 - I finally started MHW in September 2018 on the recommendation of my cardiologist after several weight-related health problems started to seriously affect my quality of life. At the time, I weighed over 300 lbs. I had joint pain in my knees and back, shortness of breath and I became exhausted by only moderate exertion. Chronic… Read More
Eddie’s Story 06/23/2020 - I joined MHW in April of 2017. I had lost some weight in the past, but I was steadily gaining weight. My doctor told me I needed to lose about 50 pounds. I didn’t have any real complaints, other than being tired at the end of a long work day. I didn’t look bad, and… Read More
Mary’s Story 06/23/2020 - I joined MHW in March of 2019. I wanted to feel better about the way I looked. I was tired of being overweight and trying to find clothes that looked decent on me. And I remember looking in the mirror and thinking “I gotta do something”. When I started thinking about losing weight, I remembered… Read More
Gary’s Story 06/23/2020 - U.S. males have an average life span of just 76 years. Those who survive to that age, however, can expect (on average) to live another 10 years, to the age of 86. In 2018, I turned 76 and wondered what my life would be like during that final run. My extreme obesity had driven up… Read More
Dave's Story 02/09/2019 - I joined MHW in July 2018. I heard about the program through a family member. I wanted to see what it was about so I came in to an Orientation. Read More
Toby's Story 01/10/2019 - I joined MHW in September of 2016 after my doctor referred me. I weighed in over 300 pounds at that point and my sugars were climbing towards the diabetic range. I have a CDL (commercial driver’s license), and if you’re on needles taking medicine for diabetes, you lose that license. Read More
Sue's Story 12/12/2018 - I joined MHW in May of 2017. Even after I watched my friend and her husband have success with the program, I was still at a point where I thought, “it’s too expensive. I can do it on my own.” I spent the next year trying my own approaches to lose weight. Read More
Larry's Story 07/26/2018 - I joined MHW in March of 2018 with a goal of losing 20 pounds. My wife and I had been on a cruise. We had some professional photographs taken and when I looked I myself I said “something’s got to change”. Read More
Bob's Story 03/08/2018 - I joined MHW in December of 2016 when my doctor referred me. I weighed 278 pounds for a long time, and several of my doctors recommended that I lose weight, but I didn’t really believe them. I had always been a big guy and a strong guy, so to me, it was normal. Read More
Garrett's Story 10/09/2017 - I joined MHW in October of 2016. I first heard about the program from my uncle who had a good deal of success. I came in for an Orientation and we went over options. Read More
Theresa's Story 04/03/2017 - I joined MHW in 2016. I was told by my physician, I needed to lose at least 20 pounds. After getting short-winded when exercising, I decided I had to do something. Read More
Lorenzo’s Story 10/04/2016 - In November 2015 I ran into someone who I had not seen in years. Immediately, I was awestruck by how great he looked. I remembered him weighing a lot more. Read More
Jim M’s Story 07/18/2016 - Walking 200 yards left me winded. My triglyceride level was over 300. The Metformin that I was taking to manage my diabetes was at the highest level and my blood sugar still wasn’t well controlled. Read More
Donnie’s Story 07/18/2016 - On October 8th 2014, I made one of the best decisions of my life. I decided to begin a weight loss journey at Maryland Healthy Weighs. I had no idea that my life would be taking such a dramatic turn. Read More
Jim’s Story 12/08/2013 - I am fifty years old and have been overweight my entire life. I am a salesman and my job requires me to sit at a desk most of the day. I would get off from work and go home and eat snacks until dinner was ready, then I would sit on the sofa and watch… Read More
Cindy’s Story 11/16/2013 - I am excited that I was able to lose 30 pounds (my goal) in the MHW “At Home” program. Better yet, I have kept it off for more than a year now! What I liked best about the program is that was EASY to follow and I never felt hungry. Read More
Christine’s Story 10/16/2013 - I started the HMR Program through Maryland Healthy Weighs in April 2011. I have lost over 50 lbs and one year later I am just shy of my goal. My husband and I spend each summer sailing and I was able to follow the plan while cruising without any difficulty – even without a microwave. Read More
Spencer's Story 06/10/2013 - I joined MHW in April 2013 when I became a Health Educator for the program. I had lost 40 pounds on my own before I ever heard about MHW and I wanted to share my knowledge with other people who were struggling like I did. I tried every diet, exercise plan, and infomercial gadget before… Read More
*Each HMR Program has different average weight-loss results. These are the results we get for people who completed between 12-26 weeks: 43-66 lbs. for the in-clinic Decision Free® plan (1), and 28-37.5 lbs. for the in-clinic Healthy Solutions® plan (2). Average weight loss for the Healthy Solutions® at Home program with phone coaching is 23 lbs. at 12 weeks and 28 lbs. at 26 weeks (3). There is no guarantee of specific results. Results can vary.
1 J Am Diet Assoc 2009; 109:1417-1421; Int J Obes 2007; 31:488-493; J Am Coll Nutr 2005; 24:347-353.
2 J Am Diet Assoc 2009;109:1417-1421; Postgrad Med 2011;123:205-213; Int J Obes 2007;31:1270-1276; Obes 2013;21:1951-1959.
3 Int J Obes 2007; 31:1270-1276; Obes 2013;21:1951-1959