HMR Pancakes

1 Serving (1 Serving = 320 calories per batch)


1 packet HMR Multigrain Hot Cereal (Available at Maryland Healthy Weighs)
1 packet HMR 70 Plus Vanilla Shake and Pudding Mix (Available at Maryland Healthy Weighs)

½ cup Water


1. Place dry ingredients in a blender and grind them into a powder.

2. Add the water to the powder and stir to combine. Let stand 30 seconds and it will thicken to resemble a pancake batter.

3. Pour onto a hot griddle and cook as a traditional pancake. (Cook on one side. Once firm, flip and cook the other side.)

Enjoy with a tablespoon of sugar-free fruit spread or sugar-free maple syrup (Like Walden Farms®).

May 4, 2020 2:45 pm

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